Vision and Guiding Principles

Our Mission is to effectively and efficiently facilitate the development of sustainable and community based self-management care pathways for adults, children and young people with mental and physical Long Term Health Conditions to improve their quality of life and outcomes, now and for generations to come. Thus recognising the interdependence of partnership work in service delivery and professional infrastructure support services.

Our Core Values and Strengths are:


  • We are committed to respect everybody we deal with as individuals, including the public and private sectors, voluntary and community sectors, employees, partners and all stakeholders at large.



  • We value and are committed to the increasing diversity of reciprocal quality of trust; showing trust to earn trust and learning tolerance of honest mistakes.



  • We value and are committed to a willingness to admit when we do not have all the answers with a willingness to learn and equally mirrored with a commitment of reporting good news.



  • We value and are committed to transparency to all our stakeholders about every aspect of our charitable and business dealings concerning them.


Continuous Development and Improvement

  • We value and are committed to provide the best and sustainable culturally appropriate services where possible with continuous development and life long learning of everybody working for and with our organisation.


Skilled Workforce

  • We value and are committed to the different perspectives and experience of our skilled staff, professional advisory board and dedicated Council of Management Committee that governs our organisation.


  • We value and are committed to strive to maintain the highest standard of integrity in all our charitable and business dealings and relations with all our stakeholders at large