There are two principal statutory rights which enable anyone to request information from Health Psychology Management Organisation Services

Freedom of Information Act – this Act gives a general right of access for the public to recorded information held by public authorities, and includes information held by Health Psychology Management Organisation Services.

Data Protection Act – under this Act any person wishing to obtain a copy of information which Health Psychology Management Organisation Services may hold about him or her can apply under the Data Protection Act 1998 for access to the information held.

For further information about both legislations please use this link

The Freedom of Information Act came fully into force in January 2005. It is designed to promote greater openness and transparency throughout the public sector and applies to all public authorities. Health Psychology Management Organisation Services is committed to the principles of ‘open government’ in the way we do business, in delivering our services and in how we make decisions. Health Psychology Management Organisation Services already makes information available about its services and will continue to do so. Information available under the Freedom of Information Act does not affect information that is currently available through our services.

Under the Data Protection Act 1998, individuals already had access rights to personal information held about them. The Freedom of Information Act extends these rights to cover other information. Any person, has a right of access to recorded information held by public authorities, subject only to the limitations imposed by the act and other legislation.

Responsibility for overseeing the operation of these Acts rests with the Information Commissioner who is independent of the government reporting directly to Parliament.

For detailed information on both Acts, their scope and your rights to information, visit the Information Commissioner’s website.